I should start by thanking the elves behind the scenes that keep Adlib running. If it wasn’t for their dedication our group would be in hibernation and the opportunity for Adlib to present Macbeth; Comedy of Errors; and Hamlet just wouldn’t have happened. Performing Shakespeare, is not what Adlib is historically known for but plays with challenging scripts; large casts; and plenty of swashbuckling is what we love performing and these shows ticked those boxes nicely, so it made sense to welcome the team behind the Shakespeare productions performed at Carisbrooke Castle to our family and reignite drama the Adlib way!
At Adlib, our actors and production teams pay no fees, as such we don’t have members, which means we have to think outside the box about what it means to be part of Adlib. Other groups might pay an annual membership fee, so if you choose not to continue paying the fee you are showing you are leaving that group. With Adlib when someone joins us for a show they are really joining a family, even if they move to the mainland, years later when they return to the island they are welcomed as a valued part of Adlib’s past and future.
That is what this blog is about, its about connecting with our audiences and those people who supported Adlib and maybe lost contact with us. One of our wise elves calls the people who work with Adlib – not members but Supporters so we embraced that word as a principle to describe our actors and production teams – old and new.
It goes without saying our audiences are our supporters too, without their trust to pay good money to attend our shows we would not have the funds to produce new shows or host the workshops and rehearsals that help make our shows that little bit better than they might otherwise be. Thank you then to our audiences – you make what we do real.
Our next show hasn’t been chosen yet but we do know it will be another Shakespeare play and that it will be performed in early June (Fell free to play guess the location!). If you like what we do and want to be involved in any capacity send us a message - the final word on who is involved always lies with the director and their needs but we are a friendly bunch so it should be worth your while. In anticipation of our plays needing the odd fight or two, Cutting Edge, the fight training element of Adlib Theatre Group will be hosting a series of fight workshops to train our actors in the art and science that is stage combat.
Other things Adlib supporters have and continue to do is going into schools and hosting workshops on Shakespeare texts – in particular Hamlet and Macbeth. These have been a lot of fun both for the actors and pupils and well received by the teachers.
You can expect future blogs to embrace all mediums from videos; photos and text. We will try and share all sorts of things from director concepts; thoughts from actors; notes on shows and of course funny things that happen in rehearsal and workshops.
Til the next time we post, embrace the adventure!